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Strategic Planning


The StandUP Polk and UthMpact Prevention Coalition utilizes the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) which is a 5-step planning process to guide the selection, implementation, and evaluation of effective, culturally appropriate , and sustainable prevention activities.   

The effectiveness of this process begins with a clear understanding of community needs and depends on the involvement of community members in all stages of the planning process.




The SPF includes five steps:

                  Step 1:  Assess Needs

                  Step 2:  Build Capacity

                  Step 3:  Plan

                  Step 4:  Implement

                  Step 5:  Evaluation



For More Information Please Visit:




Needs Assessment Logic Model (NALM)

Polk County is experiencing high rates of violence, bullying, and alcohol usage among the youth in our county. Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among Polk County students with the youth reporting a prevalence rate of 41.3% for lifetime use and 20.3% for past-30 day use. (Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey 2014 - FYSAS). 


The StandUP Polk Coalition has learned there is a direct correlation between violence and underage usage of alcohol. An article from CADCA entitled, “The Relationship between Alcohol, Drug Use and Violence Among Students” states, “adolescents who abuse alcohol are three times more likely to commit violent offenses than those who do not drink”. 


6.2% of Polk County reported that they have been physically bullied (FYSAS 2014).  Cyber bullying in Polk County is 3.0% which is reflective of the state average of 3.6% (FYSAS 2014.)  Although these number show improvement from 2010 data, this is still a high percentage of students being bullied in various forms.

While Polk County’s overall binge drinking rate was lower than the state average, the middle school rate was 4.6% compared to the state average of 2.0% which reflects a +2.6% difference. Additionally, 15% of middle school students surveyed reported being verbally bullied within the past 30 days (FYSAS 2014).  Poor family management and low child supervision further contribute to the problems surrounding violence, bullying and underage usage of alcohol with a risk score of 43% MS and 43% HS (FYSAS 2014), these risk scores for MS are higher than the state average of 40% MS and 38% HS (FYSAS 2014).

Polk County parental attitudes are favorable to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) use, and have increased since 2010,with a risk score of 34% MS and 40% HS with a state average of 38% MS and 38% HS (FYSAS 2014.)


It is disturbing to note that although high school students are becoming more aware of the dangers of drinking and driving they are increasingly unaware of the dangers of driving or riding with someone who is otherwise impaired.  High School students are more likely to ride in a vehicle with someone who has been using marijuana or after using marijuana than alcohol.  Riding:  alcohol 19.8% vs. 23% marijuana; Driving:  alcohol 7.3% vs. 11.4%.  (FYSAS 2014)


The economic consequences of underage drinking have a direct impact costing our state $3.5 billion (Underage Drinking in Florida:  The Facts, PIRE 2011). Considering the tough economic conditions affecting the nation and the state of Florida, reducing the costs of underage drinking is a very pertinent matter.


In Polk County, marijuana is now the 2nd most prevalent drug in students ages 10-17 behind alcohol. (FYSAS 2014)  This is a change from 2010 where marijuana was the 3rd most prevalent drug behind alcohol and cigarettes.  (FYSAS 2012)  According to the Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey 2014, students in grades 6-12 are showing an increase in 30 day marijuana use from 2010 to 2014.  30 day marijuana use for middle school is 3.7% and 9.6% high school. (FYSAS 2014)

 Please take a look at our action plan attached for download here:

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